Does Stretch Mark Surgery Work?

Stretch marks surgery can turn out to be a very expensive way to get rid of your stretch marks. However, since stretch mark creams don’t always work for everyone, surgery may be the only option left for many men and women.

There are many different types of stretch mark surgeries available, though some work better than others. As with everything in life, there is no complete guarantee that even the most advanced surgeries completely eliminate your stretch marks, but if anything, they will certainly lessen their appearance.

One of the most effective surgeries for women with stretch marks on their stomach from a pregnancy is a tummy tuck. The tummy tuck gets rid of extra skin and fat, making the stomach tighter and nicely shaped. In the process of this skin removal, stretch marks below your belly button are usually removed as well.

Another option is laser surgery. This type of stretch marks surgery is generally only for people whose stretch marks are still colored red or brownish. If your stretch marks have faded to more of a flesh color the laser will not be able to detect them. This surgery is effectively able to remove damaged skin and stimulate collagen growth, but may not always completely eliminate stretch marks.

Laser surgery can also become incredibly expensive. Each session can cost as much as $1000 or more, and depending on how quickly your skin reacts to the surgery, you may need multiple sessions of laser surgery before your stretch marks fade or go away.

Even if your stretch marks have become more of a flesh color, there is a fairly new surgery called Coolbeam that will actually help collagen to grow in the areas where you have stretch marks. Again, it may not totally remove your stretch marks, but this surgery will definitely fade them significantly.

Researchers are still working on discovering new ways to help heal and eliminate stretch marks. They are trying to find out more about the causes of stretch marks so that they can develop new equipment that targets those areas.


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