Are You a Good Candidate For Laser Hair Removal?

When it comes to information on laser hair removal there are some specific things that everyone should know.

The first piece of information on laser hair removal that you should know is that lasers are not for everyone and in order to carry out these procedures you must be fully qualified. Lasers were introduced as a rapid but gentle way to permanently remove unwanted body hair and have become a huge success worldwide for both men and women.

As previously mentioned, laser hair removal is not for everyone and a consultation for your skin tone and pigment is required. It is vital that the hair to be removed be darker than the surrounding skin. Light skin is the best candidate for laser hair removal permitting fewer treatments to be required. Darker skin can be treated, but the results take longer and more sessions will be required.

For laser hair removal, dark hair is much easier to treat and this is because dark hair absorbs more of the laser’s energy and coarse dark hair is the most optimal. Blonde and red hair is the most difficult to treat and a number of sessions will be required in order to achieve permanent body hair removal.

Permanent body hair removal using lasers can be carried out all over the body. Some of the most common areas where body hair removal is carried out are the face, neck, chest, upper lip, underarms, back, legs, and bikini line.

Having information on laser hair removal is essential and knowing what skin type or hair type is required is the first step. If you choose to undergo laser hair removal then your next step should be to find out what the procedure involves and how to prepare for it.


Hair Removal - From Razor to Laser