Skin Tag Removal
Safe and Effective Skin Tag Removal
About Skin Tag Removal
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About Skin Tag Removal
During the treatment, your Skin Expert will examine the skin tag(s) to be removed. This treatment targets only the skin lesion being treated resulting in very little damage of surrounding tissue. This form of removal is a good choice for patients with medical conditions that may complicate more invasive surgical methods or have a history of bleeding problems. The procedure has few side effects, is minimally invasive and offers a quick recovery time.
The treatment is quick and lasts only about 1-2 minutes. For full skin lesion removal, clients can generally expect 1-3 treatments spaced 2-3 weeks apart for full results.
NOTE: Since it is often difficult to distinguish a skin tag from a wart, a mole or a melanoma, it is recommended that you consult a physician who will be able to discuss appropriate removal methods for your skin lesion, at present we only treat skin tags.
NEW BRUNSWICK Moncton / Dieppe
ONTARIO Waterloo / Kitchener
Your physician used a freezing agent to destroy your skin lesion. This technique is common in treating a variety of skin lesions.
Most patients experience little or no pain with cryosurgery, but if you do, please consult with your physician about medications that could be helpful (aspirin - adults only, ibuprofen or acetaminophen).
If a large blister becomes present, your physician may drain the blister to relieve pain or discomfort.
With a successful treatment, the treated area may blister, turn a dark brown or black, or form a crust/scab within a few hours or days. This is normal and part of the destruction and healing process.
If a scab or crust forms, it is recommended that you not pick, pull or irritate the scab, and let it slough naturally. This should take approximately 7-14 days, depending on the skin lesion size, location and your healing ability.
It’s ok to shower, but try to keep the treated area as dry as possible.
No bandage is necessary, but may be used to protect the healing lesion from injury or irritation. Try to leave the area open to air as often as possible to promote the crusting/scabbing process.
Once the scab has sloughed, the new skin may be red, sensitive, or even itch as it is healing. Do not bandage, irritate, or apply medications after the scab falls off. Normal skin colour should return over a few weeks or months.
As with any treatment, there are risks associated with this type of treatment, though minimized when being performed by a trained and qualified Skin Expert. These include:
Loss of sensation in treatment area of 12 to 18 months
Loss of pigmentation
Loss of hair in treatment area
Bleeding and blisters
Healing problems
Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, we recommend avoiding treatment unless it’s absolutely necessary and approved by a healthcare professional.Skin Conditions
Treatments should not be done on areas with active skin issues like infections, eczema, psoriasis, or other skin conditions.Allergies
If you have allergies to cryogenic agents or any materials used in our treatments, it’s best to avoid them.Circulation Problems
Our treatments aren’t suitable if you have severe circulation issues like Raynaud’s disease or peripheral vascular disease.Weakened Immune System
If you have a condition or are taking medications that weaken your immune system, please consult a healthcare professional before considering treatment.Reduced Sensation
If you have numbness or reduced feeling in the area you want treated, it might not be safe as you may not notice discomfort or side effects.Suspicious or Cancerous Lesions
If you have a suspicious spot or a history of skin cancer, please have it checked by a doctor before seeking treatment.
Enviable Skin Tag Removal Results
Check with your doctor if you have a mole that looks different from your other moles. He or she may need to do a biopsy of the mole, which means removing the mole and sending it to a lab to check it for cancer. Since it is often difficult to distinguish a skin tag from a wart, a mole or a melanoma, it is recommended that you consult a physician who will be able to discuss appropriate removal methods for your skin lesion.
The healing process can often take between 1-2 weeks. During this time, the area treated will likely blister, change colour, scab and slough off. It can take between 3-6 weeks for the area to fully return to normal depending on your body’s natural healing abilities.
Number of treatments depends on a variety of conditions, some may see results after the first treatment while others may need 2-3 treatments for the skin tag to be fully removed.
Book a FREE consultation with our medical estheticians to learn more about what treatment plan may be best for you.
Yes, We can treat multiple skin tags all in one appointment.
Cryosurgery cools the treated skin to a sub-zero temperature resulting in a burning, stinging sensation. The good news is as the skin rewarms in 1-2 minutes the burning and stinging subsides. No topical or injected anesthesia is required for the treatment and it is very well tolerated by the vast majority of clients.
The most common side effect of cryosurgery is pigment changes in the skin. The skin becomes darker, lighter or pink. The goal in cryosurgery is to destroy the skin growth of concern, while leaving the surrounding skin as undamaged as possible. A normal and common side effect of cryosurgery is destruction of nearby melanocytes causing pigment changes to the treated skin. In some cases, a scar can even occur.
Our Skin Tag Removal Prices vary depending on treatment area and number of treatments being purchased. For a detailed price guide, please visit dermaenvy.com/price-guide
Each DermaEnvy Skincare clinic is independently owned, However most offer an interest free, in-clinic Payment Options Available. Ask your aesthetician about our in-house payment plans.
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