This type of exfoliation triggers cell regeneration, allowing skin care products to penetrate the skin in a more efficient manner.
About Dermaplaning
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About Dermaplaning
This type of exfoliation triggers cell regeneration, allowing skin care products to penetrate the skin in a more efficient manner. Dermaplaning is used to remove excess facial hair as well. Myth buster: That very fine hair on the face known as “vellus hairs” will not grow back thicker or darker. However, dermaplaning is not recommended for removing very dark, coarse hair from the face.
Dermaplaning is great for people with dry or rough skin textures. Dermaplaning is also great for the treatment of aging, mature skin that tends to develop a buildup of dead skin cells. Cellular turnover also slows down with age. Dermaplaning does what a skin “scrubbing” can’t do. Scrubbing can damage delicate facial skin. Dermaplaning brightens your skin, leaving it smooth and refreshed.
Dermaplaning uses a technique that requires a very delicate touch. Facial skin calls for a skilled hand for successful resurfacing of the skin. When completed, there is no down time. A freshly treated face will “glow” with radiance. You will see and feel dramatic results instantly in the texture and tone of your skin This treatment improves cell turnover, wrinkles, and dark spots. Facial “peach fuzz” will be gone and fine lines will be less noticeable.
Removal of the fine facial hair is a plus because debris and excess oils become trapped on the hairs and make your skin look dull. Once dermaplaning is completed, you will find that your skin care products work much more effectively. They are able to penetrate the skin as intended and your makeup will go on smoother.
NEW BRUNSWICK Moncton / Dieppe | Saint John | Fredericton
ONTARIO Waterloo / Kitchener
Allow our DermaEnvy Skincare Experts to suggest a recommendation to help solve your skin challenge with targeted treatment solutions suitable for your skin type, improve your overall skin health or update your at home daily skin care routine with quality professional grade skin care for post-treatment.
Skin Softer to the Touch and Smoother in Appearance
A brighter complexion with a more Youthful Glow
Active Ingredients in Skin Care Product penetrate more deeply Improving Skin Health
Immediate Improvement in Skin Tone
Helps Reduce Fine Lines
Makeup Glides on Easily
Treatment for All Skin Types and Colors
Will not Aggravate Telangiectasia (Broken Capillaries)
Helps Reduce Blackheads and Enlarged Pores
Unlike Waxing, can be performed on Clients using Retinols
Minimal risk of Post-Procedure Breakouts
No treatment downtime
No shaving, peels, waxing, or aggressive exfoliations one week prior to Dermaplaning treatments.
You should wait 7 days after receiving Botox or Dermal Fillers to receive Dermaplaning treatments.
Use a gentle cleanser and apply moisturizer at least twice daily post treatment.
Avoid sun exposure as much as possible for a minimum of 3 days post treatment. If you must be in the sun, apply SPF 30 or greater, reapply often, wear a wide brimmed hat, and seek shade when possible. Be careful of sun exposure and wear sunscreen daily for 2 weeks.
Avoid excessive heat 3 days post treatment, i.e. heavy workouts, steam rooms or saunas, etc.
Avoid chlorine for 24 hours.
Avoid facial waxing for 7 days.
Avoid Dermal Fillers or Botox for 2 to 4 weeks based on area.
Do not pick, scratch, or aggressively rub the treated area.
No scrubs, polishers, or aggressive brushes should be used for 7 to 14 days.
You may experience slight peeling for the first few days. Slight windburn sensation and/or blotchiness are normal for the first few days. Skin care products may tingle or slightly burn for the first 2 days.
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Enviable Dermaplaning Results

Dermaplaning is a physical exfoliation that utilizes a specialized instrument designed to scrape away accumulated dead skin cells and vellous hair. It is a comfortable, relaxing procedure that can be combined with other services to improve their efficacy.
Dermaplaning is ideal for women and men of all skin types who are interested in improving the health and appearance of their skin.
Brighter, softer skin that glows with renewed health. You’ll also notice a reduction in the appearance of fine lines, hyperpigmentation and acne scars.
Your results are immediate. That is one of the great things about dermaplaning. No downtime and no waiting to look your best. This is the perfect treatment before a social event.
Dermaplaning treatments can be as short as 30 minutes or can be part of a 60 minute facial that incorporates enzymes, extractions, masks, infusions, light therapies and/or chemical peels. Your aesthetician will help you determine the right combination for your skin.
We recommend coming in every 4 weeks to maintain results and continue to see improvement in skin tone and texture while diminishing acne scars, fine lines & pore size. Results are cumulative so your skin will continue to improve each time you come in.
Dermaplaning is a safe procedure that can only be performed by a licensed and specially trained practitioner. Your treatment provider has received additional training and experience so you can enjoy optimal results.
Our Dermaplaning Prices vary depending on treatment area and number of treatments being purchased. For a detailed price guide, please visit dermaenvy.com/price-guide
Each DermaEnvy Skincare clinic is independently owned, However most offer an interest free, in-clinic Payment Options Available. Ask your aesthetician about our in-house payment plans.
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