Body Sculpting + Contouring

Ultrasound “Liposuction” (ultrasonic cavitation) is a new, revolutionary European fat removal non-invasive technique that does NOT involve surgery – there is no need for any hospital stay or time off work. The treatment has immediate results and delivers further additional fat reduction within the week following the procedure.

DermaEnvy Skincare utilizes a unique cavitation technology that allows for non-invasive combat against stubborn fat deposits that never seem to disappear regardless of your diet or how hard you work out. Unlike the well-known procedure called liposuction or tummy tuck, and in a way similar to lipodissolve or mesotherapy, ultrasonic cavitation is a non-surgical, non-invasive treatment for cellulite, also known as localized adiposity.

The most problematic body areas are: abdomen, flanks (“love handles”), thighs (“saddle bags”), buttocks, inner knees, upper arm, male breasts. Your body can now be contoured with no anesthesia, no scars, and no downtime.

Does the Treatment Hurt?

Most clients experience few cm of reduction in circumference after a single session, with increasing results after each visit. The results may vary with different tissue structure, treatment area, age, metabolism, medications, and changes in hormones. Proper diet and increased physical activity will certainly improve and help to maintain the results.

How Does the Treatment Feel?

Most clients consider the procedure painless and comfortable. There may be, however, a slight discomfort due to the specific noise experienced, but it poses no harm and disappears as soon as you are not in contact with the applicator. You may also experience a little warmth during the treatment.

Pre Treatment Instructions

  • Drink at least 2 litres of water before your treatment

  • You should not eat 2 hours before your treatment

  • Do not drink ANY alcohol or caffeine in the day of treatment

  • Not intended for individuals who are pregnant

  • Not suitable for anyone with implants and/or heart conditions

Post Treatment Care

  • Drink plenty of water (ideally one litre, more if possible) before and after a UltraCavitation treatment.

  • Exercise and a healthy diet is recommended for optimal results.

  • This is NOT a weight loss method. This procedure simply shapes the body and targets stubborn subcutaneous fat.

  • You will see great results with your first three treatments. However, depending on every individual, additional treatments may be recommended to achieve the best results. You may need six, nine, or even twelve treatments.

  • Redness, mild discomfort, and swelling are the possible side effects following a treatment but will disappear shortly.

  • Increased thirst following a treatment is normal… Drink lots of water!

  • It is possible to experience a headache after a treatment, this is a result of dehydration and/or released toxins from the fat cells… Drink lots of water! And then drink more!

  • If you are experiencing any serious or concerning side effects, please do not hesitate to contact us or go see a doctor immediately.

The Benefits of Body Slimming

Skin Texture

Enhanced Body Tone and Shape

Blood Circulation & Lymph Circulation

Excellent Cellulite Therapy

Connective Tissue Tightening

More effective if combined with Skin Tightening

No Surgery / No Pain

No Anesthesia or Needle

Conditions Treated:

Stretch Marks

Sagging Skin

Facial Shape: Fat, Flat, Contour

Cellulite / Body Conturing

Body Fat, Weight Gain

Double Chin Fat

Learn more + Schedule your FREE Consultation online


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