Mommy Makeovers - Helping You Rediscover Confidence

Motherhood can be hard on a woman both mentally and physically. In an attempt to recover some of their former selves, many mothers are starting to take part in what is termed “mommy makeovers.”

The Scenario

You have just given birth to a beautiful bouncing baby. While you are proud of your new creation, the little one has taken its toll on your body. Standing in front of the mirror, you notice almost nothing recognizable of your former physical self. Have you experienced this before?

It can be disheartening for mothers. You’d probably be interested to know that there’s a new trend about called “mommy makeovers.” It is giving women back their self-esteem and confidence after going through pregnancies and child birth.

What is a Mommy Makeover?

In a nutshell, it is the trend towards plastic surgery for post-pregnancy moms who are fighting to get their old bodies back. As a result of the stretch marks, stretched belly, added weight and hormonal changes to face and breasts, women have to work hard to lose the baby weight and return to shape.

Even with diet and exercise, some have problem areas that don’t seem to go away. It could be that your rectus muscles (abdominal muscles) have separated and there is a permanent pooch that you can’t seem to get rid of no matter how many crunches you perform. Or, it might be the breasts that have shrunk after you finish breastfeeding your young one. Even if you lose weight, the fat seems to have redistributed to some places you didn’t want it to go.

All of these changes have caused a spike in plastic surgery rates especially among new mothers. They want to preserve who they were before children. For that reason, many plastic surgery patients are getting younger.

The young mothers are having breast augmentation, liposuction, tummy tucks, breast lifts and other procedures. Just because you are a mother, doesn’t mean you have to look older than your years. Now, this isn’t just running to the surgeon for a quick fix. It is understood that there needs to be realistic expectations.

Diet and exercise are often tried first but the results are often not satisfactory alone. That is where the cosmetic surgery comes in. Cosmetic surgery is also not without its pain for gain. Recovery - especially from a multiple procedure, can be hard and long. It is not cheap either. Still, many say the results are worth it. To reduce your cost and the number of procedures, many surgeons recommend losing weight through diet and exercise to tighten and tone as much as possible first.

Not all Mommy Makeovers have to be surgical. At DermaEnvy, we offer many non-surgical options to tone, tighten, and remove scarring and/or stretch marks.

If the idea of a non-surgical “mommy makeover” appeals to you, book a complimentary consultation with one of our skin experts and discuss your options.


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