The Best Personal Skin Care

Even though we ignore it sometimes, we are all aware of how important personal skin care is. Every person has their own opinion on how it should be done. There are people who believe they need to have their skin care done professionally, and others believe it should be handled in the privacy of their own home. There are also other categories of people who have unhealthy skin care habits. Some believe that skin care is an event that only happens once or twice per year, and others are so preoccupied that they never give their skin a rest. No matter where you stand in the skin care debate, we can all agree that skin care is best taken care of when you follow a routine.

Even before you begin your skin care routine, you must pinpoint your personal skin type. Is your skin normal, sensitive, oily, or dry? Does your skin have a mixture of possibilities? Make sure to purchase skin care products that are right for your personal skin type. In order to determine exactly what you need, you may have to try a few products.

Now that you have your skin care products, here is a routine that works best for most people who have normal skin, with minimal variations.

Step 1

The first step in any good personal skin care routine is cleansing. There are three ingredients that should be found in your cleanser, oil, water, and a surfactant. The oil and surfactant in the cleanser pulls dirt from your pores. The water then flushes the pores, and washes away the oil and surfactant. This will ensure that your skin is clean and clear of dirt and overbearing oils.

To make sure you have the right cleanser, you may have to try more than one. This will let you see how your skin feels using different products. Any cleanser you use should be free from soap, and soap based ingredients.

When you are washing your face, you should use Luke-warm water. This will prevent any damage to your skin. Make sure you do not over clean your face because it can cause damage to both your skin and your pores.

Step 2

The second step in any good skin care regimen is to exfoliate the skin. Your skin automatically follows its own natural schedule. It removes the dead skin cells and replaces them with healthy, new cells. When you exfoliate, you are helping the skin complete this process faster. Since dead skin cells cannot respond the way you need with skin care products, if you do not exfoliate they will absorb the products you are using. This keeps your skin care products from making it to the new skin cells, which is what you want to show.

For the best results, you should exfoliate right after you cleanse. You should make sure you understand how much you should exfoliate. For people with oily to normal skin, exfoliation should happen four to five times per week. For people with dry and sensitive skin, exfoliation should happen one to two times per week. If the weather is hot and humid, you may need to exfoliate more often.

Step 3

The third step in any good personal skin care routine is to moisturize. This is one of the most important steps in taking care of your skin. Even if you have oily skin, your skin will need a moisturizer to remain healthy. A moisturizer helps to seal healthy moisture in your skin. Your skin will also be able to attract moisture as it needs it. You should read the directions on your moisturizer to ensure you use the right amount. If you apply too much moisturizer, you can cause your pores to clog, which will damage your skin, and create acne. Moisturizer should always be applied when the skin is still damp after cleansing.

Step 4

The final step in a good skin care routine is to apply sunscreen. Many moisturizers already come with UV protection, but you should still apply sun screen. This will provide extra protection and keep your skin healthy, even in the sun.

When you are experimenting with skin care products to determine which one is best for you, you will also be able to determine how much of the product you choose will be needed. Always determine the exact amount you need to achieve healthy feeling, and healthy looking skin. If you have a preexisting skin condition, you should visit a skincare specialist to treat it, and determine what skin care products are best for your skin type.

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