What To Do About Pregnancy Stretch Marks

One of the first things every woman thinks of, once they find out they are pregnant, is stretch marks. This is one of the things that just seems to go along with pregnancy along with a host of other issues like tiredness, nausea and backaches. It is especially hard these days because society thinks every woman should have a perfect body. That is a hard thing to overcome for women, but you have to realize that not everyone will get pregnancy stretch marks and even if you do, there are many things you can do to help them fade away.

Stretch marks appear on more than 75% of pregnant women. They may show up on your waist, butt, chest, stomach and upper legs. While it is true that most stretch marks appear on the stomach, it is possible to get them in the other areas I mentioned as well.

There are many ways you can help yourself avoid pregnancy stretch marks. Use creams formulated specifically for stretch marks. Wear a good support bra to avoid stretch marks on your breasts. Use a body brush to massage the areas where you want to avoid getting stretch marks. The reason stretch marks appear during pregnancy is because of the rapid weight gain some women go through, therefore if you try to avoid gaining too much weight you may be able to avoid stretch marks altogether

Of course, as with all things, there is no guarantee that using any of these methods to avoid stretch marks will prevent them 100%. But you should be able to at least minimize them if not eliminate them totally. If you do end up with some pregnancy stretch marks, do not despair. First of all you should be rejoicing in your new bundle of joy. Then if you still want to get rid of the marks, there is plenty of information available to help you. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist. If that is not something you want to do, then try researching on the Internet and you will be sure to find something that will help those stretch marks go away or at least minimize their appearance dramatically.


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