DermaEnvy Skincare Terms + Conditions
Website Purchase Terms and Conditions
All website treatment, memberships and gift cards must be redeemed exclusively at clinic location selected at time of purchase, each DermaEnvy Skincare clinic is independently owned and operated.
All Promotional Offers valid at participating clinic locations, can not be combined with any other offer and subject to treatments offered.
No substitutions for treatment and/or products.
Treatments must be used within 18 months of purchase.
The purchase of this gift card/prepaid treatment constitutes acceptance of our terms + conditions, and our refund / cancellation policies which can be found in full at
Free Shipping over $99 Website Offer
Orders under $99, Enjoy flat-rate shipping of $10.99 CAD. Orders over $99 before applicable taxes. Due to the economic and shipping complexities in remote locations of Canada, additional shipping fees may apply. DermaEnvy Skincare reserves the right to rescind free shipping on orders that exceed our standard shipping limitations. Clients in NWT, Yukon + Nunavut please contact for shipping quote prior to order.
Treatment Terms & Conditions
Applicable To All DermaEnvy Treatments
We have a no refund policy and require 24 hours notice for any and all cancellations. Any cancellations and/or no shows with less than 24 hours notice, will result in a $50 cancellation fee unless otherwise stated at the time of booking; If your treatment package is prepaid, a cancellation fee will still apply. This policy is necessary to ensure our team members are still compensated for their time.
Results may vary - we do not guarantee results as treatments work differently for everyone.
All treatments must be used within 18 months of purchase. Pre-paid treatments cannot be used between two or more clients. Photo ID may be requested. Multiple treatment areas purchased together in a service package cannot be split over separate appointments.
Further, I certify that I am a competent adult of at least 19 years of age and this consent form is freely and voluntarily executed and shall be binding upon by successors and assigns. I consent that my non-identifiable before and after photos of my treatments may be used in future marketing and release all photo rights to the same.
I have read and understand this agreement and fully release DermaEnvy Skincare, Wellness Brands Canada Inc., its affiliated companies, licensees, franchisees and staff from all liability associated with the treatments and procedure(s).
For your convenience and review, our full Terms + Conditions and Privacy Policy is available online at and
Laser Hair Removal, Photo Rejuvenation/PhotoFacial Treatments:
Pre-paid treatments must be used within 18 months of purchase. Where 10 or more pre-paid treatments are purchased, these must be used within 24 months of purchase.
Results may vary - we do not guarantee results as treatments work differently for everyone.
The package cannot be used between two or more clients. Photo ID may be requested.
Areas purchased in the package cannot be split over separate appointments.
When laser hair removal areas are sold as a package, for example the Half Legs, Brazilian & Underarms Package, areas purchased in the package cannot be split over separate appointments.
6-12 treatments per area recommended, it varies as lighter hair takes longer to treat than darker hair.
Factors such as diet and hormones may trigger re‐growth. Your appointments are scheduled at a specific number of weeks based on your hair growth.
Missed appointments will affect your results. You agree to shave within 24 hours of appointment to achieve optimal results. A $29 fee applies should the area require shaving (schedule permitting if not pre-booked)
You will discontinue Retin A, Renova, or Tazorac 2 weeks before treatment, Tanning 2 weeks before and after treatment. Waxing or plucking 3 weeks before treatment as well as for the duration of your treatment.
It is crucial to use SPF 20 or higher during a treatment course. We STRONGLY recommend the use of a clinical grade Physical Sunscreen for post treatment protection.
Our Full Body Laser Hair Removal package includes the following: Brazilian or Bikini, Full Legs, Underarms, Upper Lip, Chin, 1/2 back, Between Brows, Linea, Areolas, Full Arms, Feet + Toes. This package does not include laser hair removal areas that are not listed. This package cannot be split over separate appointments. If clients elect to remove any area from their full body laser hair removal package, No reduction in price is available where areas have been removed from the package.
Contraindications: Active or Severe Sunburn, Photosensitive Medications, Pregnancy, Breast Feeding, Psoriasis, Bleeding disorders, Areas containing Tattoos, previous laser resurfacing, chemical peels within 3 weeks, Vitiligo, open wounds and moles.
Risks, Side Effects + Complications of the treatment that may occur include, but not limited - Some mild discomfort may occur. Blistering, bruising, redness, infection or swelling is rare but may occur. Extremely rare but if prone to herpes simplex (cold sores), infection may occur. Pigment changes are very rare but can occur if sun exposure is not avoided following a treatment.
UltraCavitation Body Contouring and Skin Tightening Treatments:
Body Contouring + Skin Tightening Treatments are not a treatment for obesity.
A consultation is required before a treatment, to deem whether you are medically fit and suitable for the treatment.
Pre-paid treatments must be used within 18 months of purchase. Where 10 or more pre-paid treatments are purchased, these must be used within 24 months of purchase.
Results may vary - we do not guarantee results as treatments work differently for everyone.
The package cannot be used between two or more clients. Photo ID may be requested.
Areas purchased in the package cannot be split over separate appointments.
Appointments are scheduled at specific intervals of time to achieve maximum results.
Post treatment attention (24 hour period) drink at least 8 glasses of water; follow a diet high in protein, low in fat.
Please limit alcohol and consumption of raw foods.
Contraindications: Hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, poor circulation, Metal implants/Pacemaker (Dental Implants are OK), Inflammation, wounds or open cuts on skin, Liver disease, Fever symptoms.
Risks, Side Effects + Complications of the treatment that may occur include, but not limited - sound in the ear (waves passing from skeleton to ear), sense of heat or slight stinging in the epidermis. Some rare cases, Roseola may appear and disappear within 1-2 hours after treatment along with temporary swelling.
Smile360 Teeth Whitening Treatment:
2-6 shades are typical, However results vary per patient and specific results can not be guaranteed.
Full list of Gel Ingredients are available on and/or packaging for those with allergy concerns
Our Whitening Gel is Botanical, Peroxide Free, Gluten and Vegan friendly Gel
Consuming coffee, red wine, cola or any other dark beverage within 24 hours of treatment may affect results.
While one whitening session is typically 20-30 minutes in duration, multiple treatments may be required to achieve desired results. Additional treatments may be required to maintain said results because pigments found in food and beverages will eventually restain my teeth.
This is a self administered treatment. My technician has no dentistry qualifications and that my teeth will not be examined for cavities or overall health.
If I have caps, crowns, veneers, porcelain, fillings or other dental materials in my mouth, these materials may not whiten and will not become whiter than their original colour.
Contraindications: Periodontal disease, unfilled cavities or chipped teeth.
Risks, Side Effects + Complications of the treatment that may occur include, but not limited - allergic reactions, tooth sensitivity and irritation to the gums.In rare cases, the use of LED devices can damage the pulp (soft tissue in the center) of teeth and repeated whitening can damage teeth.
Chemical Peel Treatment:
Up to 2 Layers of clinical chemical peel per treatment are applied based on your unique skin composition and needs. Additional layers available at an additional cost.
Multiple treatments are required in order to obtain optimal results spaced 2-6 weeks apart.
Due to variables such as age, condition of your skin, sun damage, smoking, skin care products, climate, life-style, and general health, you acknowledge that there are no guarantees, warranties or assurances that you will be satisfied with your results.
Contraindications: Allergy to Aspirin, Pregnancy/Lactating, Herpes Simplex (cold sores or fever blisters). An antiviral medication may be necessary prior to treatment, Extensive sun or tanning 3 days prior and 3 days post treatment., Accutane in the past 6 months to 1 year., Topical retinol products in the past 2 weeks., Waxing of area to be treated in the past 7 days., Any other chemical peel within 14 days of the treatment.
Risks, Side Effects + Complications of the treatment that may occur include, but not limited - Mild to moderate discomfort or pain, Slight redness or swelling, Sun sensitivity, Skin sensitivity, Pigment changes, Scarring, Allergic reaction, Bacterial infection and I understand that the treatment may involve risks of complication or injury from both known and unknown causes, and I freely assume those risks. Prior to receiving treatment, I have been candid in revealing any condition that may have a bearing on this procedure.
Microneedling Treatment:
Results may vary - we do not guarantee results as treatments work differently for everyone.
Areas purchased together or as a package cannot be split over separate appointments.
Patients are to avoid sweaty exercise and sun exposure for 72 hours post-procedure.
Fitzpatrick skin types V-VI, pigment may darken prior to lightning.
We do not treat active acne, rosacea, or other inflammatory skin conditions, auto-immune therapies or retinoid (Retin-A) and/or any form of skin treatment 24 hours prior to procedure, under the care and direction of a physician, with piercings in the treatment area or open wounds, within 6 months after isotretinoin (Accutane) regime, Patients with facial outbreaks such as herpes simplex virus, medication must be taken per doctor’s instructions, Patients with metal allergies or skin allergies.
We do not treat patients with an facelift or eyelid surgery within the past year, or dermabrasion, remodeling, deep chemical peels, or any surgical procedure on the treatment area within the previous 3 months, or those who have had Botox, collagen, fat, or other methods of augmentation with injected materials in the treatment area in the previous 6 months or patients who have excessively tanned or sunburned skin from the sun, tanning beds, or tanning creams within the previous 2 weeks.
Risks, Side Effects + Complications of the treatment that may occur include, but not limited - Patients could experience redness between one to three days. Patients may experience inflammation, itching, and burning.
Contraindications: Keloid scars • History of eczema, psoriasis and other chronic conditions • History of actinic (solar) keratosis, diabetes, raised moles or warts on targeted area • History of hemophilia, irregular blood pressure, tuberculosis, liver function issues • Susceptibility to capillary ectasia due to steroid use for extended periods • Scleroderma • Collagen vascular disease • Cardiac abnormalities, pacemaker, blood clotting problems • Blood thinning medication • Active bacterial or fungal infection • Immunosuppression • Facial melanosis • Malignant tumors • History of any type of cancer or suspicious lesions or moles in treatment area • Pregnant or nursing women • Any other medical condition contraindicated by the treating physician
Dermaplaning Treatment:
Risks, Side Effects + Complications of the treatment that may occur include, but not limited - this treatment involves the use of the sterile, surgical blade to remove dead skin cells and vellus hair. As with the use of any sharp instrument, there is the possibility of nicks or cuts.
Contraindications: Diabetes (not controlled by diet or medication), Cancer, Active acne, bleeding disorders, the inability for blood to coagulate or the development of keloids. I certify that none of the following medications apply to me: blood thinners, high doses of aspirin or accutane. While every precaution will be taken to avoid nicks, cuts and scratches.
Laser Tattoo Removal Treatment:
Our maximum size treatment area is up to 5”x5” tattoo
Results may vary - we do not guarantee results as treatments work differently for everyone.
Any package cannot be used between two or more clients. Photo ID may be requested.
Areas purchased in the package cannot be split over separate appointments.
Following Post Treatment Care given at time of treatment and available on our website is critical to your results
Use Antibiotic Ointment such as Polysporin diligently, three times a day and keep the treated area bandaged to protect it for the first three days following your tattoo removal session. After three days you must allow the treated area to “breathe.” Do not bandage it, as tempting as it may be. It is important for the treated area to be exposed to the air to help dry it out and heal.
Wear sunblock to protect the treated area from harmful UV rays for at least three months after each session. We STRONGLY recommend the use of a clinical grade physical Sunscreen for post treatment protection. Do not wear makeup or scented lotions on the treated area as this may cause irritation.
You can shower eight hours following the treatment but it is ideal to avoid high-pressured spray or extreme heat on the treated area. Avoid pools, hot tubs, and soaking in bathtubs until the blisters and scabs/crusting has healed; these areas tend to harbour bacteria.
If you are experiencing any discomfort after your tattoo removal session, you can apply a cold compress to the treated area and/or you may take Tylenol. If you are experiencing any serious or concerning side effects, please do not hesitate to contact us or go see a doctor immediately.
Risks, Side Effects + Complications of the treatment that may occur include, but not limited - Within the first 72 hours following your tattoo removal treatment you can expect some crusting, scabbing, and blistering. These are completely normal reactions up to two weeks after receiving tattoo removal treatment. DO NOT PICK at any crust, scabs, or blisters you may have. Picking will result in scarring and could potentially lead to infection. Please be sure to take proper care of the treated area, this is crucial to the healing process. If you fail to take care of the treatment area, this can lead to scarring, keloid scarring, infection, etc.
Add On Treatments:
Bookings must be made for each add on treatment purchased, at the same time as the booking is made for each treatment being added to. Clients can only purchase the same quantity of individual add on treatments as the number of primary treatments purchased. Payment must be made in full and at the time of purchase of the treatment.
FacialEnvy Facial Memberships Terms + Conditions
Memberships are a minimum of 12 month commitment and renew monthly thereafter until termination is provided by the member. FacialEnvy Memberships may be paid in full at the time of purchase or monthly subject to monthly membership agreement. Membership fees are subject to applicable sales taxes.
All credit card payments are auto charged on the 1st or 15th of each month
Any unused credits do rollover month after month and remain on client file for 24 months, after which they expire.
Membership only valid and redeemable at clinic location of purchase and non-transferable, as each clinic location is independently owned and operated franchise.
Memberships are non-transferable, exchangeable or refundable and cannot be combined with other offers or promotions. Membership treatment menu offerings are subject to change without notice.
The membership entitles the user to choose from a select menu of facial of treatments that has been provided at the time of agreement and is always available online at
Failure to provide 24-hour notice of reservation cancellation, will forfeit that service for that month.
If a member chooses to terminate this agreement prior to the initial term of 12 months, an early termination fee of $299.00 plus applicable taxes will be payable in full.
To cancel a FacialEnvy Membership, a 7-day notice of cancellation, prior to the first of the month in which one wishes to cancel their membership, is required. In order to successfully cancel this automatic charge, the 7-day notice of cancellation to DermaEnvy Skincare must be in writing via email to clinic location or letter.
The membership monthly fee as specified in Membership Agreement. As long as I am enrolled in this membership, this fee will be charged automatically to my credit card on the first day or fifteenth of each month. As long as my membership is paid in full, I will be considered a member in good standing
Gift Card Terms + Conditions
Use of this gift card constitutes acceptance of these terms. The merchant is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged cards or any unauthorized use. The value on this card can't be redeemed for cash. This card has no value until activated. This gift card is redeemable for services and merchandise exclusive to DermaEnvy Skincare clinic at location of purchase only. Each franchised clinic location is independently owned and operated. Trademarks of Wellness Brands Canada Inc. are used under license
DermaEnvy Skincare, Wellness Brands Canada Inc., its affiliated companies, licensees, franchisees and staff may, in its complete discretion, refuse to sell gift cards to any person at any time for any reason. Gift cards will be void if they are defaced, mutilated, altered or tampered with in any way. We may subject gift cards to verification and security checks at our absolute discretion. We may cancel any gift card, or the gift card scheme, for any reason at any time without notice. If so, we may either provide a refund or a replacement gift card of equivalent value unless we reasonably suspect fraud in relation to a gift card. The gift card remains the property of DermaEnvy Skincare.
Before + After Marketing Terms + Conditions
DermaEnvy Skincare, Wellness Brands Canada Inc., its affiliated companies, licensees, franchisees and staff may on occasion with consent collect and process - Photographic images, video recordings, audio recordings, written testimonials “marketing material” from you for the purpose of creating educational and promotional material.
If you consent and by signing the release you agree that DermaEnvy Skincare, Wellness Brands Canada Inc., its affiliated companies, licensees, franchisees and staff “the brand” may use the material for promotional and informational purposes. You grant the brand the right to use the material on its websites and in publications for use in its clinics and generally, which may include, but is not limited to media, posters, newsletters and newspapers, catalogues, video collages, etc. You grant the brand the right to disclose the Material to third parties and media. You understand the brand may, and has the right to crop and/or collage the material with others and understand that the material may be transmitted over the internet.
You agree that you release and forever discharge DermaEnvy Skincare, Wellness Brands Canada Inc., its affiliated companies, licensees, franchisees and staff from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of the material, including but not limited to claims of invasion of privacy, defamation, or financial compensation and you waive all rights that you may have in the material.
Promotion Specific Terms & Conditions
SAVE UP TO 60% OFF LASER SALE Valid on purchase of a series of six laser hair removal treatments. Savings shown is based on the regular single treatment price of the treatment area/s. Non-transferable.The offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. The terms of our treatment, cancellation and refund policies apply to all treatments purchased. Valid at participating clinic locations only.
FREE FACIAL ADD-ON Valid on regular priced facial treatment and receive one (1) FREE facial add-on ($29 value), non-transferable, must be redeemed in the same appointment.The offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. The terms of our treatment, cancellation and refund policies apply to all treatments purchased. Valid at participating clinic locations only.
BUY $100, GET $20 GIFT CARD PROMO The $100 Gift Card never expires, see our Gift Card Terms for full details. The gifted $20 treatment credit is valid until a specific date outlined for the promotion (minimum 60 days after purchase) , valid only on treatment services, limit of one per appointment.The offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. The terms of our treatment, cancellation and refund policies apply to all treatments purchased. Valid at participating clinic locations only. Cannot be used with any Black Friday promotional offer.
$99 BRAZILIAN LASER PROMOTION Brazilian Laser Hair Removal Treatment for only $99. Savings shown is based on the regular single treatment price of the treatment area/s. The offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. The terms of our treatment, cancellation and refund policies apply to all treatments purchased. Valid at participating clinic locations only.
SMILE SATURDAY TEETH WHITENING PROMOTION Valid on Saturdays Only, Savings shown is based on the regular single treatment price of the treatment area/s. $10 Off on Teeth Whitening Treatment, not valid on retail purchases. Valid on regular priced teeth whitening treatment. Valid upon presentation of voucher or first time client visit. The offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. The terms of our treatment, cancellation and refund policies apply to all treatments purchased. Valid at participating clinic locations only.
$10 OFF FIRST TEETH WHITENING VISIT $10 Off on Teeth Whitening Treatment, not valid on retail purchases. Valid on regular priced teeth whitening treatment. Valid upon presentation of voucher or first time client visit. The offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. The terms of our treatment, cancellation and refund policies apply to all treatments purchased. Valid at participating clinic locations only.
BREAST CANCER MARK REMOVAL DermaEnvy Skincare Breast Cancer Radiation Mark Removal Program is complementary to breast cancer survivors, offered year round and is dedicated in loving memory of Kathleen Proctor. A Free Consultation must be booked prior to redeeming this offer. The offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. The terms of our treatment, cancellation and refund policies apply to all treatments purchased. Valid at participating clinic locations only.
BUY 5, GET 6TH TREATMENT FREE Valid on regular priced Laser Hair Removal, IPL, Tattoo Removal + Vein treatments only. The offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. The terms of our treatment, cancellation and refund policies apply to all treatments purchased. Valid at participating clinic locations only.
FIRST TREATMENT, NEW GUEST 20% off for new first time clients, on regular treatment price, excluding injectables. 20% discounted services must be redeemed in the same appointment to a maximum value of $500, Limit of 1 per client, not valid on retail purchases. The offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. The terms of our treatment, cancellation and refund policies apply to all treatments purchased. Valid at participating clinic locations only.
DERMAENVY TRANSGENDER SUPPORT PROGRAM Valid for clients who identify as part of the LGBTQ2+ community who are transitioning genders. 50% off Valid on regular priced laser hair removal treatments only, Non-transferable. The offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. The terms of our treatment, cancellation and refund policies apply to all treatments purchased. Valid at participating clinic locations only.
WAXING COMMUNITY DISCOUNT CARD 50% off waxing valid for single visit and not to exceed full price value of $79. Valid upon presentation of the community discount card. non-transferable. Limit of 1 per client.The offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. The terms of our treatment, cancellation and refund policies apply to all treatments purchased. Valid at participating clinic locations only.
TATTOO COMMUNITY DISCOUNT CARD - NUMBING Valid for regular priced tattoo removal treatment and receive one (1) FREE numbing add-on ($29 value), Limit of 1 per client, must be redeemed in the same appointment, non-transferable. Valid upon presentation of the community discount card. The offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. The terms of our treatment, cancellation and refund policies apply to all treatments purchased. Valid at participating clinic locations only.
TATTOO COMMUNITY DISCOUNT CARD - 5 OR MORE Limit of 1 per client, Valid for purchases of 5 or more regular priced tattoo removal treatments, non-transferable. Valid upon presentation of the community discount card. The offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. The terms of our treatment, cancellation and refund policies apply to all treatments purchased. Valid at participating clinic locations only.
NEIGHBORING BUSINESS Valid on regular priced treatments only, excluding injectables not valid on retail purchases. Non-transferable, Proof of affiliation with the third party may be required. The offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. The terms of our treatment, cancellation and refund policies apply to all treatments purchased. Valid at participating clinic locations only.
LOCAL BRAND PARTNERSHIPS Valid on regular priced treatments only, excluding injectables not valid on retail purchases. Proof of affiliation with the third party may be required. The offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. The terms of our treatment, cancellation and refund policies apply to all treatments purchased, Valid at participating clinic locations only.
BLUE CROSS BLUE ADVANTAGE Valid on regular priced facial, IPL and Advanced Corrective IPL treatments only, not valid on retail purchases. Non-transferable, Proof of affiliation with the third party may be required. The offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. The terms of our treatment, cancellation and refund policies apply to all treatments purchased. Valid at participating clinic locations only.
CFONE CANADIAN FORCES MEMBER + SPOUSES DISCOUNT Valid for CF members, spouse and children with valid CF One Card. Valid on regular priced treatments only, excluding injectables not valid on retail purchases. Non-transferable, Proof of affiliation with the third party may be required.The offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. The terms of our treatment, cancellation and refund policies apply to all treatments purchased. Valid at participating clinic locations only.
KILLAM PROPERTIES PERKS Valid on regular priced treatments only, excluding injectables not valid on retail purchases. Proof of affiliation with the third party may be required. The offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. The terms of our treatment, cancellation and refund policies apply to all treatments purchased. Valid at participating clinic locations only.
BIRTHDAY GIFT DISCOUNT Valid on regular priced treatments only, excluding injectables not valid on retail purchases or gift cards. Offer valid for any calendar day during the month of client’s birthday, and offer can only be used once per client, has no cash value, and is non-transferable. If a client has more than one account in our system, the client can only use this offer once and accounts will be merged to avoid such issues. The offer may be withdrawn or extended at any time and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. The terms of our treatment, cancellation and refund policies apply to all treatments purchased. Valid at participating clinic locations only.
Referral Program Terms & Conditions
Welcome to the DermaEnvy Skincare Referral Program! Please review the following terms and conditions carefully, as they govern your participation in our referral program. By participating, you agree to comply with these terms.
1. Referral Credit Details
Referral credits are redeemed as store credit exclusively for treatments at DermaEnvy Skincare clinics. They have no cash value and cannot be applied to retail products, gift cards, memberships, or package purchases.
New clients claiming their referral gift must schedule a regular priced treatment valued at $50 or more during their initial visit to use the $25 credit. If the credit is not redeemed during the first visit, it becomes invalid.
For first visits that include a consultation, the $25 credit is only applicable if a treatment of over $50 is performed on the same visit. Once the first invoice is closed, the credit is no longer valid, however, that client is now eligible to earn rewards by referring friends.
Because we cannot double discount, the $25 credit for the new referred client is only valid on regular priced treatments which do not have a discount already applied to them.
2. Eligibility Requirements
The referral program spans all DermaEnvy Skincare clinics, meaning you can refer friends in other towns with DermaEnvy locations.
Referred individuals must be new clients who have not previously visited any DermaEnvy Skincare clinic or created a client account on Existing clients are not eligible to be referred.
Duplicate accounts are not permitted. If an individual already has an account with DermaEnvy, they are ineligible to receive a referral discount but may participate in referring others to earn rewards.
DermaEnvy team members/employees, DermaEnvy Franchisees, and employees of Wellness Brands Canada are not eligible to earn or redeem referral awards from the DermaEnvy Skincare Referral Program.
3. Referral Code Usage
Your unique referral code is a welcome gift for new clients and can only be applied during the account creation process. A designated field is provided for entering the referral code.
For accounts created over the phone, the referral code must be provided at the time of account creation. Referral codes cannot be retroactively applied to existing accounts.
If a new customer forgets to use the referral code during account creation, they must contact the clinic they will be visiting before booking their first appointment. The clinic team can delete the existing account (provided no transactions have been made) to allow the creation of a new account with the referral code. Accounts with transactions can not be deleted.
Each person can only use a referral code once. However, after redeeming their referral credit, they are eligible to share their unique referral code and earn rewards.
4. Restrictions and Limitations
Referral codes are exclusively for new customers. They cannot be used by existing clients or applied to pre-existing accounts.
Credits collected by the referring client are valid for 1 year, after which time, those credits will expire on the client’s account and no longer be valid.
If booking over the phone, the referral code must be provided at the time of booking for it to be applied correctly.
Referral program offers and redemption restrictions are subject to change by DermaEnvy Skincare at any time without prior notice.
5. Program Integrity
Abuse of the referral program, including but not limited to creating multiple accounts or sharing referral codes in violation of these terms, may result in the forfeiture of referral credits and/or removal from the program.
Thank you for spreading the love and sharing DermaEnvy Skincare with your friends! We’re excited to help you and your loved ones achieve your skincare goals.
If you have any questions about our referral program, please contact one of our clinics near you.