Laser Tattoo Removal

DermaEnvy Skincare uses safe and effective technology for the removal of tattoos. Whether you’ve outgrown your tattoo, it’s outgrown you, or you want to make room for an even better work of art, we offer complete solution for removing unwanted tattoos or permanent makeup. Tattoo removal is most commonly performed using lasers that break down the ink particles in the tattoo. The broken-down ink is then fought off by the immune system, mimicking the natural fading that time or sun exposure would create. All tattoo pigments have specific light absorption spectra.

Individuals with fair skin and superficially placed tattoos on the arms, chest, buttocks or legs are the best candidates. Tattoos on dark-skinned individuals, or tattoos on the ankles or fingers (areas where there is less body fat), are the most difficult to treat and results are more variable. A thorough discussion with a tattoo removal specialist can better determine the potential success rate of tattoo laser removal for any given tattoo and skin type.

How Are Tattoos Removed?

Q-Switched Nd:YAG lasers are used to target the pigment in tattoo ink that resides below the skins surface and fragment it into small pieces. Your body’s natural immune system will then absorb, break down and dispose of the ink. Topical tattoo removal creams sold over the counter are extremely ineffective at removing tattoos. no clinical study to date has shown they actually work.

Is The Process Painful?

Each person perceives pain differently, so there is no definitive answer. There will be some mild discomfort that is often associated with a hot rubber band being snapped on the skin. Within minutes of the procedure being finished, most clients report little to no discomfort at all. We do offer Dr Numb cream available per application at a cost of $20 additional, we also have available in our retail section.

Pre Treatment Instructions

  • No recent sun exposure, tan, or use of self-tanners for a minimum of 4 weeks prior to treatment.

  • Avoid treatments that may irritate the skin like harsh chemicals, depilatories, etc. for at least 1-2 weeks before treatment and 2 to 4 weeks after treatment. This includes products containing tretinoin, retinol, benzoyl peroxide, glycolic/salicylic acids, astringents, etc. Do not resume use of these products until skin has fully healed and all crusting has resolved.

  • Treatment area should be clean shaven of all hair.

  • Arrive well hydrated for optimal results

  • Moderate to significant discomfort is expected. Some areas are more sensitive than others.

Post Treatment Care

  • The area may appear bruised after treatment, this will typically fade in 5-7 days.

  • Dressings should be changed once a day or after a shower for the first three days after treatment. Prior to removing the dressing, wash hands with soap and water, then carefully remove the dressing, gently cleanse the wound with soap and water and pat dry with a clean towel.

  • Apply provided cream or simple petroleum and cover with a large Band-Aid or non-stick gauze dressing and make sure the bandage is not too tight. Keep the treatment area moist with the provided topical.

  • Ice packs protected with a cloth may be applied as necessary to reduce soreness & swelling. Do not put ice directly on the area, make sure there is a towel or cloth between the ice and your skin.

  • Bleeding and bruising is expected the first day or two after the procedure.

  • Wash your hands before touching any treated area. Do not expose the area to dirty or unsanitary conditions.

  • Try not to bump or stretch the tattoo.

  • Itching and scabbing is normal. Treatment area may scab but preventing the scab is best. Scabbing may last 7 to 14 days. DO NOT PICK, PEEL, OR SCRATCH the treated area.

  • Removing the scab could also increase healing time. If the tattoo is located in a high friction area, or if you have a tendency to scratch, cover with a bandage. Do not shave over the treated area until all scabbing has healed.

  • Blisters are possible, do not pick at or pop blisters if they do occur.

  • If the removal is on the face, no makeup is to be applied for 72 hours (three days) after the procedure.

  • Do not expose your healing skin to direct sun, tanning beds, saunas, salt water, or chlorinated pools for 2 to 4 weeks following your procedure.

  • You may continue to shower, and you can gently wash the treated area with mild soap and water, but pat dry it as soon as possible (do not rub). Do not expose the area directly under a shower spray, no scrubbing the area, do not swim or sit in a spa, and do not soak your body where the area is submerged in water.

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