A Note From Women to Men - Get Your Own Skincare!
Have you ever gone to wash your face only to then discover that there are just a few drops left of your prized moisturizer? This may mean that the man in your life has been using your skin care products - again.
Skincare Basics: From One Man to Another
Another important factor in skincare is skin hydration and this is helped by drinking a sensibly amount of water. I have seen it suggested that 4 to 8 cups a day is sensible but if you are drinking bottled mineral water check the chemical makeup of the water as some are high in sodium which means high salt levels.
Men: You need it too. The Do's and Dont's of Skincare for Men
Some of you might think that skin-care routines are reserved for the ladies. When it comes to skincare and fitting it into your schedule, men seem to prioritize business + play more than self-care and maintenance. But don't ever forget that your first impression always lasts longer in your customers' head than you would expect. A clean, well-taken care of complexion may prove to be your ultimate prerequisite in striking your negotiation deal. Here are some of the do's and don'ts in getting the perfect skin.