I Tried EVERY Hair Removal Technique - Here Is What You Need to Know
My name is Brooke. I’m a single woman in my thirties (or more precisely, 29 again and again and again) Over the last 12 months I’ve tried more hair removal products than I care to remember. Not purposely, mind you - I didn’t set out to evaluate a series of products or write a comparison narrative - I just wanted to find the right product for me.
Our Tips for Good Brazilian Waxing Results
Brazilian waxing first came to North America in the late 1980s, but didn’t gain widespread popularity until the later 1990s. The procedure removes all the hair in the pubic region, front and back. In some cases, a small strip of hair is left in the center, but total hair removal is more common. The smooth look is very popular in Brazil where thong bikinis for sun tanning are the norm.
Three Treatments to Book Before Your Next Vacay!
Our Skin Experts let you in on their top 3 treatment recommendations for your next vacation!
Should You Try Waxing?
It may the bikini are, or the thin hair line over the upper lip, or hair on the chest and back of men, or hair on legs, and armpits. Everybody wants to know about the method that will help remove hair for a long time without undergoing much trouble. Let us take a brief look at the methods of hair removal.
A Woman's Guide to Removing Facial Hair
Facial hair can be an embarrassing thing for a woman. Figuring out how to remove facial hair with minimal regrowth can be even tougher. This handy guide gives women the facial hair removal options available to them to see which method is right for her.