What to expect from a microneedling appointment
Here at DermaEnvy Skincare, we specialize in non-invasive medical aesthetic treatments and microneedling is one of our favourite skincare treatments to perform. “The results that our clients often see with microneedling are quite impressive when you consider the process, the recovery time and the cost.”
Stretch Mark Treatment Helps to Fade and Eliminate
There is a lot of stretch mark treatment available on the market these days. Some treatments are more effective in fading or even eliminating stretch marks, but the success of the treatment depends on a few different things.
Does Stretch Mark Cream Work?
Pregnant woman massaging her belly with ointment against stretch marks isolated on white background.
Explaining Skin Tightening
DermaEnvy Skincare™ Skin Tightening is a non-invasive and non-surgical treatment procedure. The revolutionary leading technology uses radio frequency to obtain deep thermal heating which stimulates collagen production and causes skin to contract and tighten.
Laser Surgery Techniques Remove Stretch Marks
Reasons for stretch marks vary. Women usually get stretch marks during their pregnancies. They most commonly appear on the stomach, but can also show up on chest, butt, arms and upper legs.
How To Rid Of Stretch Marks
Stretch marks can appear on many areas of your body for different reasons including pregnancy, obesity, sudden growth spurts, or heredity.
How to Reduce Stretch Marks
The appearance of stretch marks is not something you can prevent altogether. Whether you are pregnant, an athlete, or going through rapid growth spurts, you are more than likely going to spot a few stretch marks here and there.
How to Prevent Stretch Marks
How can you prevent stretch marks? Well, the good news is that there are a lot of ways to prevent stretch marks from appearing.
What is the difference between surgical and non-invasive procedures?
Non-surgical procedures are effective when the changes that a client wants to make are more subtle. These are non-invasive, meaning that they will not require incisions of any kind. International research companies are predicting non-invasive and minimally invasive procedures to grow more than ever by 2022, as patients begin prioritizing in-office treatments with minimal downtime over surgical solutions.
An Honest Approach to Anti-Aging
With more and more people living for longer periods, anti-aging is becoming big business. This article looks into what causes premature aging and gives advice on how to keep looking younger for longer.
Beauty Tips for The Bride
Every bride wants her groom to accept her 'just the way she is', and this includes her nature, her looks, and her personality. You looks are an important part of your personality and one that can (and should) never be ignored.
Cellulite - Causes and Treatments
Cellulite is a fat tissue that appears below the skin’s surface. People do not need to be overweight to have cellulite, in fact, thin people often have some on their buttocks, breasts, thighs, and abdomen as well. Cellulite is caused by the following:
5 Reasons to Keep Your Next Skin Appointment
Life is hectic; it’s true. There are so many things that demand your time and attention. Between work, kids, family and household chores, there is precious little time left over for you. So, it is completely understandable why things like spa reservations get pushed to the end of your priority list. But is it at the end of the “to do” list where your skin appointment belongs? The answer to that question is, of course, no.
The Importance of Skin Self-Exams During Summer
When the season changes and we are faced with being outdoors more often, keeping up with skin care should be foremost on our mind. Even if you are at an outdoor barbeque and the sun is high in the sky, just because you are not wearing your bathing suit and at the beach does not mean that you are not at risk.
Three Treatments to Book Before Your Next Vacay!
Our Skin Experts let you in on their top 3 treatment recommendations for your next vacation!