What to expect from a microneedling appointment
Here at DermaEnvy Skincare, we specialize in non-invasive medical aesthetic treatments and microneedling is one of our favourite skincare treatments to perform. “The results that our clients often see with microneedling are quite impressive when you consider the process, the recovery time and the cost.”
Microneedling is one of the best long term skin rejuvenation treatments today for younger looking skin!
LED Light Therapy 101
Our non-invasive LED therapy works on a cellular level to fight active acne and rosacea, and leaves your skin energized and youthful.
Preventing and Treating Age Spots
Getting older doesn't necessarily cause age spots. Too much exposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun is more likely to cause these unattractive blotches, than maturity. This is why age spots are also called sun spots. Other factors that make you more susceptible to age spots (no matter what your age is) are smoking, a diet high in refined sugars and fats, a lack of vitamins, and over consumption of poor quality saturated oils.
Facial Lines and Wrinkles - Understand Your Ageing Skin
Lines, furrows and wrinkles are clinically called rhytides - these are typical of an ageing skin and are attributed to the irregular thickening of the dermis coupled with the decrease in the amount of water held by the epidermis.
AHA's For Normalizing Combination Skin
Often the biggest frustration for those with combination skin is caring for it properly. Having both dry and oily skin areas on your face can make skin care seem almost impossible. There are, however, things that you can do to care for and keep your combination skin healthy and feeling good.
Does Chemical Peeling Slow The Aging Process?
In skin care, doctors use chemical peeling as a procedure to remove sun damaged, pigmented and wrinkled skin by peeling it with chemicals.
5 Reasons to Keep Your Next Skin Appointment
Life is hectic; it’s true. There are so many things that demand your time and attention. Between work, kids, family and household chores, there is precious little time left over for you. So, it is completely understandable why things like spa reservations get pushed to the end of your priority list. But is it at the end of the “to do” list where your skin appointment belongs? The answer to that question is, of course, no.
IPL Photo Facial: Reverse Sun Damage, Premature Aging, Redness and Effects of Acne
DermaEnvy Skincare’s IPL Photofacial is a great option to solve a variety of skin issues very affordably and easily. Here are our top nine reasons to book an IPL Photofacial Treatment.
7 Tips To Maintaining Acne-Free Skin
Having a nasty zit flare-up can be quite annoying. In fact, it is a great factor on suffering low self-esteem particularly on young people whose main focus at puberty is the physical attribute. Preventing acne breakouts is not a piece of cake - that is why even if you know everything about acne control, the acne still shows up every now and then. So how do you maintain your acne free skin? Here’s how…
Reversing Signs of Aging on The Neck, Chest + Décolletage
Did you know that the neck and chest is one of the first areas where we show signs of aging? Less oil glands, sensitive and thin skin both contribute to how quickly our neck and décolletage can show signs of aging. Don't worry, we have a few treatment solutions that can rejuvenate this area!
Why is my skin so oily?
Oily skin is an area of concern and confusion for many of us. Why our skin secretes more oils than others is often a mystery for the people who it affects. The skin attracts more dirt and is more prone to acne. It has a shiny look and causes all types of cosmetic problems. Why do we have this skin type? Can we do something to eliminate this problem forever? Let us find out.
Not All Scars Tell a Great Story - Acne Scarring Treatments
Acne is such an unfortunate thing to have - not just when it is active, and visibly demanding the attention of the people around you. But, the pain of being left with the scars after all is said and done would surely bother any person. The outcomes of having acne do not stop when the red bumps are gone.
Practicing Safe Sun Requires More Than A Little SPF
If you have started wearing sunscreen, you're on your way to fighting off the signs of premature aging. But don't be lulled into a false sense of security.
At-Home Facial Tips - Scrubs, Masks, and Exfoliators
Your skin is your body’s largest organ. It’s also the first thing that most people notice about you. It shields your bones, muscles, and blood vessels. Skin is so vital, so why do people not take better care of it? Not drinking enough water, going out in the sun without sunscreen, and using harsh chemical products adds to the damage.
An Overview of Enzyme Peels for Your Face
When dealing with the refurbishing of facial skin, peels are a popular option. Here is an overview of enzyme peels for your facial skin care needs.
Is Microneedling Right For You?
Automated Micro-Needling (also known as Epidermal Collagen Induction Therapy or ECIT) is a new innovation in aesthetic medicine for the treatment of the appearance of fine lines, acne scars and the improvement of the skin’s texture, tone and color. During this procedure, the Eclipse MicroPen® is used to create controlled micro-injuries to the skin in order to aid in the production of collagen and elastin. The skin’s repair process results in a thicker epidermis with a softer appearance of wrinkles.