Why Do I Get Stretch Marks?
What causes stretch marks to appear? Well, that is one question that remains unanswered.
Stretch Mark Treatment Helps to Fade and Eliminate
There is a lot of stretch mark treatment available on the market these days. Some treatments are more effective in fading or even eliminating stretch marks, but the success of the treatment depends on a few different things.
10 Skin Care Tips You Should Follow Religiously
Healthy skin is really one of the most important ingredients for beauty-enhancement. This article on skin care tips is an effort to bring the 10 best skin care tips to you.
Preventing and Treating Age Spots
Getting older doesn't necessarily cause age spots. Too much exposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun is more likely to cause these unattractive blotches, than maturity. This is why age spots are also called sun spots. Other factors that make you more susceptible to age spots (no matter what your age is) are smoking, a diet high in refined sugars and fats, a lack of vitamins, and over consumption of poor quality saturated oils.
Facial Lines and Wrinkles - Understand Your Ageing Skin
Lines, furrows and wrinkles are clinically called rhytides - these are typical of an ageing skin and are attributed to the irregular thickening of the dermis coupled with the decrease in the amount of water held by the epidermis.
Cellulite - Causes and Treatments
Cellulite is a fat tissue that appears below the skin’s surface. People do not need to be overweight to have cellulite, in fact, thin people often have some on their buttocks, breasts, thighs, and abdomen as well. Cellulite is caused by the following:
7 Tips To Maintaining Acne-Free Skin
Having a nasty zit flare-up can be quite annoying. In fact, it is a great factor on suffering low self-esteem particularly on young people whose main focus at puberty is the physical attribute. Preventing acne breakouts is not a piece of cake - that is why even if you know everything about acne control, the acne still shows up every now and then. So how do you maintain your acne free skin? Here’s how…