International Transgender Day of Visibility - DermaEnvy Launches Transgender Support Program
DermaEnvy Transgender Support Program
Accessible Laser Hair Removal
For many individuals in the trans community, being able to control hair – where it is and where it isn’t – is more than just a cosmetic preference, it’s a gender-affirming act.
At DermaEnvy Skincare, we welcome every body and we pride ourselves on our relaxing and discrete atmosphere, where confidentiality is key. We provide a warm, safe and welcoming environment and our expertise ensures you the best possible results.
For those of you who are transitioning to a new gender identity, we offer you our support and best wishes.
DermaEnvy Skincare understands the unique needs of the transgender community. In an effort to support, affirm and acknowledge our LGBTQ2S+ Community and the importance of this step in the transitioning process, we offer Accessible Laser Hair Removal Treatment Plans with savings of up to 50%.
We strive to create a healthcare environment that is affirming and Trans friendly.
All people having contact with DermaEnvy Skincare (patients/clients, staff and volunteers) are entitled to a respectful environment free of disrespectful behaviour, including discrimination (including transphobia), bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, personal harassment and workplace violence. No one may be treated disrespectfully and no one has the right to treat anyone else disrespectfully.
You will always be treated with the utmost respect and your treatments can be as private as you wish. You are more than welcome to pay for your treatment over the phone beforehand or pay and book your next appointment from the comfort of your treatment room. If you have any other requests, please just ask and we will do our best to accommodate you.
If you have a complaint about the service you have received and you do not wish to raise your complaint with the staff person you have been working with or you feel this person has not dealt with your complaint to your satisfaction, you can speak to or write the President of DermaEnvy Skincare about your complaint.
To contact the President of DermaEnvy Skincare, call (902) 880-6018 or email
We have a growing number of transgender patients at our clinic who we treat on a regular basis with excellent results. The question we are asked most frequently from our transgender patients is ‘where do we and where don’t we treat on the body?’ The simple answer is that if you are comfortable, then so are we.
While results are different for each individual, some can go years without much reduction in body hair.
This is where laser hair removal comes in. One of the major advantages of the method is that it’s suitable for most areas of the body: legs, arms, underarms, buttocks, bikini line, back, chest and even nipples.
The most common areas that transgender clients have treated at our clinic are the face, sideburn area, back, chest, pubis areas, stomach, arms and legs, as hair growth in those areas can be distressing and significantly slow down the transition process.
Why Choose Laser Hair Removal for an MTF Transition?
There’s a reason laser hair removal has become such a widely popular method of hair reduction. It is safe, efficient, and becoming increasingly more accessible in terms of price.
Laser hair removal is ideal for areas including face, legs, underarms, chest, and back, because the laser is able to target large regions at once. Also, laser treatment significantly reduces the amount of hair after only a few sessions, making it a great starting point.
The reason many trans individuals find themselves disappointed after Laser Hair Removal is because they are promised a miracle solution. However, laser hair removal is not permanent. Rather, it greatly reduces hair for prolonged periods of time. Nearly everyone who undergoes laser hair reduction experiences a few hairs that grow back after time, but the hairs are thinner and lighter and the skin is far smoother.
Are You Eligible for Laser Hair Removal?
Before scheduling an appointment, it’s important to assess if you are a good candidate for laser hair removal.
Because the laser is attracted to the pigment of the hair follicle, the effect is far more powerful on darker hairs, such as black and dark brown. Unfortunately, this means that individuals with light brown, blond, red, white, or grey hairs will see minimal results. If this includes you, consider electrolysis instead.
Additionally, lasers are more effective at penetrating lighter skin. While pale skin and dark hair are the best combination for success, this doesn’t rule out laser hair removal for darker skinned individuals.
When Is the Best Time During a Transition to Start Laser Hair Removal?
Transitioning is a unique journey for every individual. Many MTFs seek different destinations in their transitions, so the timeframe varies greatly person-to-person.
Because of this uniqueness, laser hair removal can be more time consuming for some than others. The typical treatment cycle for laser hair removal is anywhere from 6 months to 1 year.
And, since many MTFs choose to use laser as a preliminary hair reduction tool and move onto more granular methods of hair removal, it may be best to start in the early phases of your transition.
Laser Hair Removal and HRT
HRT, or hormone replacement therapy, is a common part of the journey for many MFTs. On it’s own, HRT will reduce hair and result in more feminine growth patterns. Still, it is recommended to supplement hormonal therapy with additional hair removal treatment.
It is typical for transitioning individuals to receive laser hair removal prior to starting hormonal therapy as the financial and physical commitment is less than HRT.
It is safe to undergo laser hair removal treatments during hormone therapy, so many people chose to do both at the same time.This usually results in an expedited timeline for hair removal.
Despite being safe and effective, many people are often hesitant about this for financial reasons. To some, it doesn’t make sense to spend money on laser hair removal upfront if HRT will reduce much of the hair anyways.
If you are skeptical about jumping into full body laser hair removal treatment, consider adjusting your timeline. Lots of MTFs doing HRT suggest doing laser hair removal on priority areas such as the face in order to speed up the process. Others recommend holding off on laser treatment once they have reached more stable hair growth patterns.
There is no blanket answer regarding the best way to handle HRT and laser hair removal simultaneously. As always, the best choice is the one that makes you feel most comfortable and meets your body’s unique needs.
Preparing for a laser hair removal session
Make sure the area of skin you’d like to treat is shaved as smooth as possible, as it’s just the root of the hair within the follicle that the laser focuses on.
You can’t get laser hair removal if you’re sunburned or tanned – wait a few weeks for your skin to recover from sun damage before a session
The same rules apply if you’ve had a wax recently
Laser hair removal works best on people with dark hair, so if you have fair, white or grey hair, check your suitability with the salon before you book
Potential side effects of laser hair removal may include:
Pigmentation changes (usually light patches on darker skin)
We are here to offer any additional support, guidance and/or advice regarding Laser Hair Removal that may assist you in your transitioning process. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information regarding this program and/or any of our services and treatments.
Team DermaEnvy