Microdermabrasion is a mechanical exfoliation procedure that is performed with a diamond tip. This non-invasive treatment will remove the superficial layer of dead skin cells.
Explaining Skin Tightening
DermaEnvy Skincare™ Skin Tightening is a non-invasive and non-surgical treatment procedure. The revolutionary leading technology uses radio frequency to obtain deep thermal heating which stimulates collagen production and causes skin to contract and tighten.
3 Tips for Healthy Anti-Aging Skin Care
What happened this morning when you climbed out of bed and found yourself looking at all the wrinkles lining your face? Did you think "Oh My Gosh! not only do I feel old, but I look old."
Facial Lines and Wrinkles - Understand Your Ageing Skin
Lines, furrows and wrinkles are clinically called rhytides - these are typical of an ageing skin and are attributed to the irregular thickening of the dermis coupled with the decrease in the amount of water held by the epidermis.
An Honest Approach to Anti-Aging
With more and more people living for longer periods, anti-aging is becoming big business. This article looks into what causes premature aging and gives advice on how to keep looking younger for longer.
Can Your Coffee Be Causing Your Wrinkles?
If you have any intentions of maintaining healthy, wrinkle-free skin, you need to reform your body from the inside out. A good start is refraining from drinking caffeinated beverages, such as coffee and soda. Caffeine, an addictive substance contained in numerous beverages, removes moisture from your skin.
Does Chemical Peeling Slow The Aging Process?
In skin care, doctors use chemical peeling as a procedure to remove sun damaged, pigmented and wrinkled skin by peeling it with chemicals.
Reversing Signs of Aging on The Neck, Chest + Décolletage
Did you know that the neck and chest is one of the first areas where we show signs of aging? Less oil glands, sensitive and thin skin both contribute to how quickly our neck and décolletage can show signs of aging. Don't worry, we have a few treatment solutions that can rejuvenate this area!
Hand Model Reveals Her Secret to Beautiful Hands
Before getting rid of dust and grime in your house, make sure your hands don't take a beating in the process. Give your hands the care and attention they deserve by following a few tips.
Anti-Aging Skincare: What to Look For
Today people can’t go anywhere without seeing or hearing about the advancements made in the area of the anti-aging skincare.